Should You Give Employees the Same Gifts? The debate is on. Is it ok to standardize gifts for employees or should every employee receive a gift that is unique to them? For those who don’t claim gift-giving as their strength, they almost always say that buying the same gift for everyone is fine. But that’s the thing – do you want your gifts to be fine? Wouldn’t you rather they were thoughtful, unique, or exciting? Of course!  

That said, we believe that some occasions work well with standardize gifts, while others require a more personal touch to effectively communicate the appreciation you are trying to show. In today’s blog, we will review which gifts are the former and which are the latter. 

Should You Give Employees the Same Gifts? 


Individual Gifts are Ideal for: 

  • Birthdays: Hopefully you know your employees well enough to pick out a personal gift for their birthday. Birthdays are the one day a year that’s really all about them, so it’s best to find a gift that celebrates their unique qualities.  
  • Life Events: If you have an employee who’s getting married, it’s best to get them a personal gift – something from their registry or something that relates to them and their spouse. The same goes for an employee welcoming a baby into their family. 
  • Sympathy: If an employee has a death of a loved one, or another crisis, a personal gift is a way to show them you are supporting them, without crowding them. Flowers for a funeral service, a meal for the family, or another gift appropriate for the situation is better than a one-size-fits all approach here. 

When purchasing individual gifts, it is important that you keep the cost of the gift consistent across the board. Just like with children, when one person receives a higher cost gift than another, it can cause some resentment to fester.   

Should You Give Employees the Same Gifts? Universal Gifts are Appropriate for: 

  • Work Anniversaries: At our company, everyone gets the same 1-year anniversary gift, 2-year, 3-year, etc. We focus on getting something aligned with our company values that everyone would like, regardless of age, gender, or fitness level.  
  • Holiday/Christmas: We believe it’s ok to purchase the same holiday gifts for your team. Sometimes this can create a sense of when everyone gets the same gift. It can also emphasize that everyone’s work is valued equally on the team.  
  • Job Well Done: If you gift “job well done” or “way to go” gifts, feel free to pick a couple of go-to options to distribute. The idea of these gifts is less about the gift itself, and more about acknowledging a specific contribution made by an employee or team of employees.  

If you are choosing one gift to cover a category, be sure to think about any restrictions there may be – are you choosing a goodie basket full of baked goods? You probably won’t want to send this to your gluten-free folks.  

The motto, “It’s the thought that counts,” is a cliché. But that doesn’t mean it’s not true. When you put thought into your gift, whether individual or universal, your employees will notice. The right gifts will make your employees feel seen and appreciated.  

What is the most thoughtful gift you’ve received from an employer?