How many of you remind your kids on a regular basis they need to have an “attitude of gratitude?” You don’t like what’s for dinner? You should have an attitude of gratitude for these healthy foods. You want to play instead of writing thank you cards after your birthday? Check your attitude. Gratitude is something we discuss on a regular basis.

beCAUSE We’re Grateful… As an adult, I find gratitude hasn’t gotten any easier. Usually, I have to force myself to slow down to do a gratitude journal or take note of the little blessings throughout the day. If a server gets my order wrong, I don’t naturally jump to, “I’m grateful I have food to eat today.” And at work, often I get so caught up in the day-to-day that sometimes I fail to appreciate the little things. It takes effort and practice to build an attitude of gratitude.

But just like I instill in my daughter, I do try to incorporate gratitude into my life at regular intervals. Morning quiet times and a quick note to my husband and daughter before bed help me bookend my day with gratitude and reflection.

Today, I am sharing some of the things my team and I are truly grateful for in our work with beCAUSE minded. The list is far too long for one blog, but I think I got the biggest ones here!

1. Being part of world change

Our goal as a company hasn’t changed since we launched. We strive to provide best in class gifts that have a lasting impact on people and the planet we inhabit. We want to divert budgets for personal and corporate gifts to cause-based organizations that are changing the world. We are grateful for having a cause that helps motivate us to get up and get going in the morning!

beCAUSE We’re Grateful… 2. Having a team who cares about our mission, our roles, and each other

Noraliz and Jacquelyn are dedicated, team-oriented, and mission-focused. While we do all have healthy boundaries, we also have a “do what it takes” attitude to ensure our orders go out on time, our communication is buttoned up, and our products are in stock. Without this team, the work we do wouldn’t be the same.

3. That other people have joined our mission

beCAUSE minded started as a passion project in 2020, and in 2021, word spread and we blew past our sales goal by almost 10x. We were able to reorder from our personal and corporate gift suppliers, meaning more hours of work for sex trafficking survivors in Austin, more schools for school aged children in Guatemala, and fewer orphans in Haiti. We are so grateful that others have connected with our mission!

beCAUSE We’re Grateful… 4. Suppliers who share their knowledge

Before we launched our luxury branded corporate gift boxes, we met with a couple of our suppliers to get their advice. They shared their key learnings freely and this helped us found beCAUSE minded with a strong go-to-market strategy. As we’ve scaled, we continue to connect with our corporate gift suppliers, many of whom are farther down the road in their social enterprise journey than we are, and they continue to consult with us – sharing valuable tidbits that help us plan for our business’ future.

When you launch a start-up, you don’t know whether the world will get what you’re doing. You don’t know for sure if they will join your cause. But in our story, people did. And for each of you who have walked alongside us on the journey, we are truly grateful.

Happy Thanksgiving.